Project Management Group
Project Management Group
The SENIAM project is co-ordinated and managed by: Dr. ir. H.J. Hermens and ir. B Freriks from Enschede , the Netherlands, in close corporation with the other members of the project management group:
  • Prof. R. Merletti -
    Torino - Italy
  • Prof. dr. G. Rau and Dr. C. Disselhorst-Klug -
    Aachen - Germany
  • Prof. dr. ir. D.F. Stegeman -
    Nijmegen - the Netherlands
  • Dr. G.M. H?gg -
    Solna - Sweden

Project management office
The SENIAM project management office can be contacted for information about the SENIAM project, the books*, the SENIAM CD-rom* and the SENIAM-club at:

Roessingh Research and Development
Attention: I. Makaske
PO Box 310
7500 AH Enschede
the Netherlands
tel. +31 - 88 0875777

*Books, CD-ROMS and USB can best be ordered by e-mail. Price per book, CD or USB is 45 Euro. Deliverables 1 to 7 are no longer available. Deliverable 8 is stil available